Cutest Little Baby Face Bouquet

Cutest Little Baby Face Bouquet

This mini cookie bouquet would make a fun favor at a baby shower. It is fairly quick to create if done in an assembly line. Taken from Autumn’s Book, “Fun Cookie Bouquets”.

  • 1″ round cutter
  • 3 3/4 x 1/8″ sucker sticks
  • run sugar icing – flesh tone
  • run sugar icing – white
  • food color pens – black
  • food color pens – blue
  • clear piping gel in a tube
  • pastry bag with #2 tip
  • small terra cotta vase
  • candy clay

Roll out cookie dough. Cut out shapes and push in sticks. Bake until golden. Cool. Outline details on each cookie with flesh run sugar icing and quickly fill in the outline. Immediately pipe white for the eyes. Allow flesh and white to set. Pipe nose. When flesh and white have set for several hours, draw mouths, eyes and eyebrows using food color pens. The tears to the crying baby were piped on, using clear piping gel.